Given a very generic example here: a students tries to study very hard for this upcoming Science test he has, burning midnight oil and trying to get all t
he facts into his brain. However, during the test itself, he just suddenly blacks out. What's worse, the teacher might even think that this student did not study at all, and may even reprimand him for not working hard enough, where in actual fact he has.
Whereas in this case, the student would be like :
All oveHow depressing and demoralizing would it be then, for a student, who just simply wishes to get a good and rewarding result from all that hard work he had put into studies?
Another example where many people should have heard of: Similar to the above example, one has this really large exam coming up. But on that day of exam itself, he suddenly fell ill and in the end, had to retake the year all over again. Is this all that could be done for this student; to just have him retake his test again the following year? Years and years of hard work before the exam, and he had to retake; just because he was sick?
Thus, I would like to ask again; does hard work really pay off all the time? None of the above circumstances can be controlled. You may argue that if one student is really familiar with his notes, he would never just black out during the test. However, think from the students' point of view for a change; imagine studying day and night for this test, how stress would it be? So I must say, to guarantee a pay off, one should learn to do more smart work instead of just putting in hard work.
Agree with the point about smart work, but sometimes hard work IS necessary.
ReplyDeleteFor some subjects, hard work is needed to memorize things. For others, practice is needed.
Sometimes, talent is very important, for example in sports. Although hard work does pay off in long distance runs, you have to rely on talent a lot in short distances. Somebody can train twice as hard but still not be able to beat somebody who has a little more talent than him because there is a limit to what trainings can do.
ReplyDeleteYou may not realize it every moment of the day, but hard work and strong efforts toward success do lead to rewards and benefits. Thus, it is important to work smart and strive for the best.
ReplyDeleteI guess, relating hard work to the above stated scenarios, what would be the fruit of the hard work is not just plain results black-and-white. The true reason for hard work lies in moral values- to work hard for what you want; a sense of responsibility and independence. I think it is more than just schoolwork.