Saturday, 12 February 2011

Blog Prompt 1_TKAM

What do you think is involved in making a fair judgment about a person or situation? Explain.

I believe that in making a fair judgment about a person or a situation, the first thing you would need to do is to put aside all the biases and unfair views towards the person or the situation you are judging. This is to ensure that in judging, your own views and thoughts on the person or situation would not affect the fairness of the judging, which is the main point of the whole thing.

Also, to judge a person, I believe you would need to know in the first place why you have that judgment of the person or of the situation. Is it because of something he did or because of some rumours? How reliable is the source of information to what he did? Example, if you saw a person shouting in class, some people’s first impression of this guy would be that he is a very loud, a very rude person. But just because of one incident, you were able to lay down a fair judgment of him? No! In order to make a fair judgment, we cannot understand the situation from just one point of view, but from several different sources for you to be able to view the situation or person from different perspectives. In actual fact, all of this still leads back to bias against others, which would be a crucial factor for you not to have in judging a person or situation fairly.

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